RE: Editions of WB&RM / DP

From: Stephen P Martin <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:54:09 -0700

Hi All,

A late entry.

> Rick:
> >1st edition - 8.5" x 11"
> >2nd edition - 8.5" x 11"
> >3rd edition - digest sized
> >4th edition - Chaosium Dragon Pass
> >5th edition - AH Dragon Pass
> >6th edition - Oriflam Guerre De Heroes
> Yes, the third edition/version is the digest-sized rulebook one.
> I had put one of these in an auction at Convulsion 92 (?). Went for
> 30 pounds. I had bought it from the owner of a game store in Hamburg
> for 75 Marks.

I am almost 100% certain (with prior input from Greg) that the Digest sized version is 2nd edition, not third. Do each of the three have different dates inside that confirm the order you gave above?

Also, I am not sure I would call Dragon Pass a 4th edition, and I certainly would not call the French version a new edition -- it is a French translation of the AH edition of Dragon Pass.



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