
From: <Labrygon>
Date: Sun Jan 22 10:55:02 2006

I've been looking through a few old discs. Here is the list pf properties. They correspond to the places going round the board - King's Villa being 'Go', I was quite pleased how well some features fit - The Gates as stations, the Quarries as utilities, Puzzle Canal as Go to Jail, Furner Fields as Free Parking, Devil's Playground as Just Visiting. I did wonder about other Glorantha-monopoly crossovers but didn't come up with any. Perhaps I should give it a go (even though I am not a monopoly fan, I should point out)

My list of properties:

KING'S VILLA:pay tax, government offices for sale. A cyclopean structure. It is carved from a single piece of translucent pinkish white crystaline stone. This is not a property that can be owned.

SMALL TOWN: inhabited by pygmys and other smaller folk. value: 12
build: 1 villa, 3 tenements.

NOMAD CLANS ATTACKS: increase tax by 10

OLD TOWN: the architecure here is reminiscent of Esrolian designs. It is occupied by Jrusteli immigrants.
value: 14
build: 2 villa, 2 tenements

CRADLE LOOT: the magical treasures looted from the Giants Cradles that float down the river. Pick a card from the CRADLE LOOT pile

WYVERN GATE:an ancient entrance
value: 28

income:     10 if one gate owned
        20 if two owned 
        40 if 3 owned
        100 if all owned.

MAGICIAN'S HILL: home of a powerful sorceror. value: 20
build: 1 palace, 3 tenements

SPIRIT OF PAVIS: the spirit of Lord Pavis is still strong within the city. Pick a card from the SPIRIT OF PAVIS pile.

SMALL QUARRY: arm and bodystones are quarried here. value: 24
build: 4 tenements

PAVIS MINT: the Jrusteli got this enormous Giant Treasure to it's current position. All Pavis coinage is made here. value: 26
build: 1 palace, 1 villa, 2 tenement.

PUZZLE CANAL: people landing in this space are stuck. Those stuck in the Puzzle Canal need to roll a double to get out.

ART MUSEUM: this magical building often contains magical artefacts. value: 24
build: 1 palace, 3 tenements

DOWN TOWN: a well established residential area. value: 25
build: 2 villa, 2 tenement

STATUE QUARRY: the northern quarry, an open pit that is filled with water. Most of the city has been built from stone from this quarry. value: 30
income = 5 x number moved to get here.
if both quarries owned then =10 x number moved.

ZEBRA TOWN: this part of town is striped dark and light. Here live the civilised Zebra Riders, descendants of the Pure Horse People. value: 27
build: 1 palaces, 2 villa, 1 tenement.

GRIFFIN GATE: an ancient entrance
value: 28

income:     10 if one gate owned
        20 if two owned 
        40 if 3 owned
        100 if all owned.

GRIFFIN GARDENS: the residential areas around the gate. There are extensive military barracks in this area, mostly of the Royal Guard. value: 30
build: 4 villas

FLINTNAIL FORT: a beautiful and wonderous property, the surface part of the Mostali town.
value: 31
build: 1 palace, 3 villas

CRADLE LOOT KING'S HILL: this beautiful hill is a prime site for top grade residences. Moves from this property only get one die roll and therefore no choice of where they go next - it is a 'Blind' corner.
value: 33
build: 2 palaces, 2 villa

FURNER'S FIELDS: this area must be left free from all building, by order of Lord Pavis himself. It cannot be owned.

TEMPLE HILL: a holy site.
value: 34
build: 3 palaces,

CLIFF QUARRY: cheaper stone is quarried here in greater quantity than the Statue Quarry. Also nearby is the Halite Mine. value: 30
build:no building - income = 5 x number moved to get here. if both quarries owned then =10 x number moved.

EAST SIDE: a new residential area.
value: 32
build: 4 villas

RIVERSIDE: an aea full of trademen and merchants wanting first option on trade from the sea.
value: 33
build: 1 palace, 3 tenements

ZOLA FEL GATE an ancient entrance
value: 28

income:     10 if one gate owned
        20 if two owned 
        40 if 3 owned
        100 if all owned.

ANGLE TOWERS: beautiful towers on Sun hill. value: 27
build: 1 palace, 2 villas,

SUN HILL: the original site of Robcradle. Now settled by Sun Worshippers. value: 28
build: 2 palaces,

SPIRIT OF PAVIS: IMPERIAL EMBASSY: an embassy from the Empire of Wyrm's Friends and a haven for Left Thinkers.
Any move from here can be in either direction. value: 29
build: 1 palace, 1 villa.


CRADLESNATCH ISLAND: site of the Basher, a device for capturing cradles. value: 35
build: 2 villa, 2 tenements

SOUTH SUBERBS: beautiful location and convenient for trade. value: 40
build: 1 palace, 3 villas

CRADLE LOOT: GREEN HILL: features a beautiful Park tended by Aldryami. value: 45
build: 2 palaces, 1 villa.

HIPPOGRIFF GATE:an ancient entrance
value: 28

income:     10 if one gate owned
        20 if two owned 
        40 if 3 owned
        100 if all owned.

SPIRIT OF PAVIS NORTH SUBERBS: the largest residential area. value: 45
build: 4 villa

THOG ATTACKS: increase tax by 100

REAL CITY: the finest part of the City of Lord Pavis. Overshadowed by the massive Temple of Pavis.
value: 50
build: 4 palaces.

Spirit of Pavis and Cradle Loot Cards:
have instruction for their play. Once played they are placed in a 'used' pile. When the last one is picked up they are reshuffled and replaced in the centre of the board.

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