Teshnan myth

From: Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty <CHEN190_at_cantva.canterbury.ac.nz>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 1994 15:58:52 +1300

Nils on Teshnan Dieties.

>I have a bit of a problem with Dendara as the sun goddess. I could probably
>be talked into seeing her as the wife of SOmash, and thus the deity of
>choice for the women of the Noon caste.

This is fine. I'm thinking that she was adopted as part of the alliance between the Teshnans and the Embyli.

I appreciated Nils notes on the History and Mythology of Tesnos. The only thing that I would quibble with is the existance of the three brothers myth in the caste system of the invading Solars. This myth smacks of having been adopted by the God learners when they ruled the place.

I will give a theory on what the Mythic history could have been like. I have tried not to make it incompatible with anybody's work. After all the Teshnans would prefer Nils version of their history then mine.

My theory on the mythic history of Teshnos:

Originally there were the Ancestors of the Night Caste.

A volcano erupted near what is now Calyz's Birthplace. This volcano was worshipped by the invading Solfi. The Solfi were a group of Vithealan invaders who had discovered the Volcano and worshipped it as their god Solf. The Solfi practice unwholesomes vices on the subjugated and terrorized Night caste. They also take pleasure in smoking whatever they can. Calyz was the Cultural hero who discovered the tools that allowed the Solfi to subjugate the Night Caste.

In Zanozar, one of the Solfi comes across a peculiar plant. He tries it out and is enlightened by Zitro Argon. He then becomes the first priest of Zitro Argon. He decides to pacify the Solfi Culture. To protect himself and his followers, he institutes worship of Somash who become the war god. To weaken the Solfi, he renders the Volcano dormant and Solf becomes depicted as burnt out.

He then institutes reforms to bring about the order of Zito> Somash> Calyz> Solf> Night in Teshnos. This endures for the rest of Yelms Day. An alliance with the Embyli is made around this time.

Furalor IMO came later as an explanation as to the troubles and turmoils of the Gods War, but you may have a better idea.

End of Glorantha Digest V1 #21

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