Baboon bits, part 3 of 4

Date: Sun, 4 Dec 1994 14:43:23 -0500

This is the trickster, who wears a mask. Sometimes the mask is a human's face, and then he does bad tricks. Other times, it is an animal face or a painted face, and then he does tricks that may be bad or good, depending on what you think of the victim. He claims to have built the Monkey Ruins, or so the foolish Geladas say. [Monkey belongs to Nick Brooke.]
                    What the Big Guy Told Me:
                A Personal View of Baboon Culture

Who Are You?
I am Gloaming Blood Hunter, alpha male of the troop. I have been alpha male for twenty years, long enough to see my sons grow up.

Who Are We?
We are Anubises of the Baboon people. You can recognize your fellow Anubises by our fine yellow-brown fur. The Mandrills have blue and red muzzle stripes, the Geladas have flat faces, and the Hamadryases have ash-colored fur. Male Hamadryases have a thick mane.

What Makes Us Great?
We Baboons retain the ancient animal forms. Humans are just animals that have forgotten their roots. Most animals besides us have lost their intelligence because of human curses.

Where Do We Live?
We live in Prax, where once the Tailed Empire ruled. We try to remain near the Monkey Ruins. That place was once the Monkey Metropolis, our ancient capital.

How Do We Live?
In the Golden Age, when we lived in the Tailed Empire, food sprang up of its own accord, and needed only plucking. Now, we must hunt and search for food. We must fight our enemies to stay alive. And we must work for humans, if we have no other choice.

What Is Important in My Life?
To serve me. To protect my troop from danger. If you select the shaman's path, you will have to conquer many spirits. For all Baboons, it is important to preserve Baboon-kind by resisting the humans.

Who Rules Us?
I rule you. I am alpha male of my troop. I got here by defeating the previous alpha male. The shamans of my troop advise me, and provide religious instruction and support.

What Makes a Baboon Great?
Being alpha male makes a male Baboon great. Also, being a powerful and successful shaman can make him great. A female Baboon can become great by bearing many babies for her alpha male.

What Is the Difference Between Males and Females? Males are dominant and aggressive. A bachelors' troop falls apart sooner or later, because they have no females and children to provide cohesion. Society stays together because females stick to each other and to males. That is why a successful male has many allies among the females. Shamans are like the females. Because they stay outside the contest to become alpha male, they also keep the troop together.

What Is Evil?
All that is not Baboon is evil. Chaos is the worst, because it is the most destructive.

What Is My Lot in Life?
You must submit to me as long as you can. If you remain in my troop, maybe I will let you become alpha male when I retire.* If the spirits move you to challenge me, I will chase you away. You can then join a bachelors' troop.

How Do We Deal with Others?
With caution. We may profit from encounters with some humans, so we approach them peacefully. Beware, and let the alpha males and shamans deal with outsiders.

Who Are Our Enemies?
Humans are our enemies. They have persecuted us and treated us as inferiors. Morokanth, who are animals like us, also treat us poorly. They are enemies, too. The other intelligent species do not respect us. They call us animals, as if that were an insult. Broos and Scorpionmen are the worst, though. They attack on sight, and have fearsome destructive magics. Be sure to spear, not bite, broos. They carry frightful diseases.

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