RQ-Con 2: Hotel Deadline

From: Shannon Appel <appel_at_erzo.berkeley.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 01:23:03 -0800

This is just a reminder that the DEADLINE to reserve hotel rooms from RQ-Con 2, at the discount con rates is this Thursday, the 22nd of December. Here's the full information, reprinted from the first page of the Pre-Con Booklet:
	Single and Double rooms are available at the special convention
	rate of $67 per night.  For a Triple, it is $77 and for four people,
	it is $87.  This does not include tax.  Suites are available at
	$99 and $150.  Reservations can be made by calling toll-free
	1-(800)-223-7111.  Please be sure to mention RuneQuest Con to get
	the discount rate.  The reservation deadline is Thursday, December 22.


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