
From: ian (i.) gorlick <"ian>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 1994 10:44:00 -0500

RE: the trivia poll

I took my degree in physics, but I am currently employed as an engineer* in a large Canadian telecommunications firm. My work for that firm is specialized in microlithography. (For those not initiated into the technojargon, I'll explain: Micro = small, litho = stone, graphos = writing; therefore what I do is very small writing on stone. I print submicron circuit patterns on silicon for microchips.)

I'm interested in all sorts of things including history, anthropology, and religion. These interests interlock well with my RQ activities. I spend most of my spare time reading in these and other diverse fields unrelated to my work, to the despair of my manager.

Happy New Year, everybody!

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