REQ for Geo Info

From: Joe Lannom <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 13:35:42 EST

In a fortuitous coincidence, Dave Cake writes:

|> Possibly in an attempt to win an award for 'most obscure topic for
|> discussion', I would like to refer back to an obscure point mentioned by
|> John Hughes (as an aside in another discussion) about the significance of
|> the list of Kallyrs companions not mentioning her 'Food Man' (though it
|> does mention a her conventional cook). Now, I have still never heard of the
|> significance of the position of 'Food Man' as an important companion to
|> chief/ruler, though I would be interested to hear a reference - however it
|> sounds reasonable enough to me - frex if the position was important, then
|> Geo is obviously 'Food Man to Sartar'.

  I understand that in an elderly issue of Different Worlds, there was a

write up of Geo and his cult. Could anyone provide ANY of that information? The Brewer in my gaming group is getting razzed by the Pavisites and Praxians in the group for worshipping the invisible god, about which he has little to NO information (he believes the invisible god makes the little yeasties grow). If Geo became available to him, I'm sure he'd leap at the chance.   I can make it up whole cloth, I don't mind. I've done it before... but I'd like to be consistent because... well. Just because. I might leave something out and regret it later.


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