Kralorelan emperors etc

From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 95 16:32:11 +0100

Nils Weinander writing

I add my voice to the praise of Sandy's Kralorelan stories.

> In the time of T'hah Hanwuti [Thalurzni], Dzawan of Shiyang

> Many years ago, when Mi Ka De [Mikaday] blessed all, a man

Great names!

Peter Metcalfe:
>I suppose Mi Ka De and all were in a response to Nils' question?

Sandy again:
> At RQ CON, during the Lore Auction, someone asked why the
>Kralori emperors had non-Kralori names, and wondered openly if this
>was a clue that the emperors were, in fact, non-Kralori. Greg and I
>both agreed that the emperors were Kralori as all get out, and Greg
>affirmed that the non-Kralori names were mispronounced western
>versions of the original names

That was me asking that question. I had discussed the subject with Peter in private e-mail before.

Here are some ideas for the rest of them:

Metsyla - Ming Tzu La
Shavaya - Shang Viang
Daruda - Da Long Da
Vayobi - Vang Yong Bin
Shang Hsa - obviously correct?
Yanoor - Yang Oor
Godunya - Ga Dong Ah

More Kralorelan stuff:

Sandy again:
> Even pernicious foreigners are allowed into one city of the
>Empire, where they can get passes to travel elsewhere in the empire.
>In this way the Emperor controlls iniquity by licensing it.
> For instance, citizens who do not belong to the
>Empire-spanning Godunya cult must still support the Emperor, or else
>the entire populace would be at risk. So of course non-members of
>this beneficial cult must pay an additional tax.

I had a theory about the port where foreigners are allowed. The Genertela book says that they have to stay there for a year before being allowed into the rest of the empire. My conclusion was that they had to learn the Kralorelan way and after the year had passed were made into temporary initiates of the emperor cult, channeled through a special exarch of foreigners.

Perhaps both are true: 'native' non-members pay most tax (e.g. the most civilized Hsunchen), foreign temporary cult members pay somewhat less and native cult-members the least. All then compared to the member/non-member ratio of your province. Just imagine the bureaucracy needed to administer and archive all that information!

Swedes on the mailing list:

>I'd just like to point out that Michael (the Swedish one - and stop
>apologizing for it all the time you sissy ;-))

Yes! Let's be true to our proud heritage and do a true viking-style barbarian invasion of the list.

RQ Con 2:

I had a great time: splendid gaming sessions, interesting seminars and most of all, great to meet a lot of you guys in person. Big thanks to the organizers!

/Nils W

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