FTP access, other access to back issues

From: Loren Miller <loren_at_hops.wharton.upenn.edu>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 13:53:36 -0500 (EST)


In reply to Guy Hoyle, I will eventually put the archives up for ftp access. I need to do some background reading on it before I do it though. And it isn't top priority. It is very low priority. See the bottom for why this is. It's also quite possible that they will be available for FTP access from ftp.csua.berkeley.edu before they are available via FTP from here. In the meantime how can you get back issues?

EMAIL. This option has been around as long as the list. Send email to majordomo_at_hops.wharton.upenn.edu with "index glorantha-digest" in the body of the message. Then use the command "get glorantha-digest v01.n001" to get volume 1 number 1. Etc. Use the command "help" for more complete instructions.

WWW. use your WWW client to go to the ***NEW*** and ***PERMANENT*** URL. This is where everything else will be added later.


FTP. nope.

GOPHER. nope.


I would like to mention if you are using a unix or a mac or a pc platform (almost everyone out there except for atari and amiga fans) then there are WWW readers which you can ftp for free over the net, so if you can use ftp over the internet then you can grab and install Netscape (the best one, ftp.mcom.com) or Mosaic (ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu).

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