Malkioni Conferences

Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 19:03:25 -0500 (EST)

In defense of Nick Brooke (who rarely needs it!) the original Christian Councils did indeed contain people of incredibly different views on all questions. The Sog City Conference, to my mind, combined Chalcedon and Constance (1414). Remember that Constance took place when there were Three Popes! And, speaking as Theoblanc, the conference (American version) would have worked except that the damned Hrestoli illegally let the Arrolians back in (violating the final words of Notslor, who they said was a saint!) and then elected as Head of the Church a Lunar Agent (whi it turns out was also Arkat the Deceiver!). What happens now I guess, will be a cross between 1054 and the Council of Trent, as we Rokari regroup! I'm working on it! Jim Chapin

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