
From: Dave Pearton <pearton_at_u.washington.edu>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 11:00:44 -0800 (PST)

Greybeard muses:
> It would seem fun to me to have domesticated yaks in Peloria.

Much as I would like this picture (having more that a slight fondness for the beasts myself) I don't think it fits. Yaks are primarily high altitude creatures and do not do very well at low altitudes (below 2000m). This has something to do with the higher affinity of their heamoglobin for oxygen. So I don't think they will do well in the Pelorian bowl - pity though. Maybe in other regions in the area - Harald, how about adding a few yaks to Imther! <g>.

In the meanwhile, to satisfy anyone's craving for yaks there are yak hsunchen in the Shan Shan mountains of Kralorela. I've been interested in these for a while and have come to the conclusion that they are not particularly friendly to the Kralorelans and survive mainly as mountain bandits. They also run a very profitable smuggling operation into and out of Kralorela using high mountain passes that only they know about/ can survive. I also think that they are very resistent to cold (and very hairy!). Culturaly they share many characteristics of the sherpas - including polygyny.

  There was some very good work on various hsunchen cultures done by I forget whom (Martin Crim?) that is available in the RQ archives.

- --

Dave Pearton				* ....As I was saying before I
Biochemistry Dept.			* was so rudely interrupted
University of Washington		* by one of my multiple
Seattle					* personalities....
pearton_at_u.washington.edu		*
pearton_at_unpsun1.cc.unp.ac.za		* Naked Lunch (W.S. Burroughs)


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