
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 08:20:50 -0500

"Smart" Alex, replying to Klaus Ole Kristiansen:
>> I suppose most Openhandists would consider Isolationists (=
>>"orthodox" mostali) not so much heretics as a bit stuck up.
>I suspect they do, if only on the Ya Boo Sucks To You principle.
>"Heterodox Openheaded fiend!" "Heresiarch Sad Lonely Bastard!"

Interesting word choice. Other translators may disagree, however, given the Mostali attitude toward sex (don't even THINK about it) and marriage (what?).

Finally, two posts about my idea of birth as a heroquest. Thanks, Mark Wallace, for your epiphany. That was pretty much the way it came to me, too. And for David Dunham (via Radiomail) [is that like von something, or auf und zu von?]:

>While this sounds noble and many heroquests DO result in birth
>(e.g. Hon-Eel), I don't think a typical birth really fits the
>Campbellian Monomyth Heroquest Structure:

This may have more to do with Campbell's own biases and his attempt to shoehorn every myth into a single structure. However, I think old Joe was smart enough to interpret his own stages metaphorically, so let's have a go at it:

>The Call To Adventure

Sexual intercourse? This stage I'm having a little trouble with. In the sub-Heroquest which is labor, this is the first labor pang.

>The Crossing of the Threshold

First signs of pregnancy. sub-H: labor pains become regular.

>Tests & Helpers

Nowadays, literal (medical) tests, and doctors and nurses. Formerly, and to a certain extent now, difficulties and family. Sub-H: same on different scale.

>Sacred Marriage/Father Atonement/Apotheosis/Elixir Theft
The process of labor itself. In the sub-H, there is the descent into darkness of the Transition stage, where all seems hopeless.


This is the most metaphorical of Campbell's stages. What was Jesus the Christ's flight? Lying in the tomb? I think so, and it's comparable to the period of rest after labor is completed. In the sub-H, it's the pushing stage, a reascent into light, followed by the climax of birth.

>The Crossing of the Return Threshold

Upper level: the baby bonds with mother and suckles. Sub-H: probably the same.

>Elixir brought to the world

I leave this as an exercise for the reader.

>...Note that birth doesn't occur in the index to The Hero With A
>Thousand Faces.

What do you expect from a patriarchal kind of guy? My thesis is that heroquest is an attempt to steal the power represented in birth. Some HQ's are literally stealing: stealing lightning from heaven, stealing the ring from under the mother's pillow (Iron John), stealing the sandals of darkness, stealing fire. Initiation rites are another primary model for HQ's, and they are often a rebirth, either explicitly or implicitly.

Birth is dramatic and universal. It was probably the most dramatic event in early humans' lives.

I had the strangest experience in the OR during my wife's csection.   I was the only man in the room until the neonatologist came in. I felt like I had wandered into the Sacred Ceremony of the Sisterhood.

Thanks for bearing with me--
- --Martin

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