Those Third Eye Blues

From: Eric Rowe <rowe_at_CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 1995 23:35:12 -0800

His magnificence Nick Brooke writes...

>In the September '82 "Mostal Special" issue of Different Worlds, Greg wrote (a
>part of his reasons for Disliking Mostali) that:
>: The Third Eye Blue people were once rulers of Fronela (so they say),
>: but were overthrown by dwarf-supported humans who resented the theft
>: of iron-working secrets by the Third Eye Blue Founder hero in a
>: previous age.
>So, if the 3EB people claim to have ruled Fronela, what's your source for
>claiming they didn't? Or didn't Yuko know his people's proud traditions?

I would have put money on it that you would have been the first to point this out. Yuko did know his proud traditions, unfortunately, like much of the material in the Mostal Special, that was indeed Gregged. When discussing Yuko, Greg told me the current version I jumped up and down in protest because of what was in Issue 24, but to no avail.

My current take on the situation is that they were a cult/branch of the proto-wendarian culture or a Fronelan group that contacted and was influenced by that culture long ago. When their hero stole the secrets of the Mostali they became persecuted by the dwarves, but their services became invaluable to other humans.

Peter follows...

>hmm? You have to cites facts to refute me. If they always were a wandering
>cult of smiths, how on earth did they ultilize metal working when they
>discovered it? Quite clearly they must have been a sedentary culture

Who needs facts if something has been Gregged? As to whether they were sedentary originally, sure, but that does not mean that they were not a cult/branch of a larger culture that then left after they gained their secret powers.

>And 'viley stole the secrets of metal from the Mostali'? Please, no
>Decamonist propoganda in here..

There is no propoganda, only facts and repair projects.


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