Mongols, Oaths and Chalana ???

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 10:37:00 +1300

Loren Miller:
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>My assumption is that the Eurmali are purposefully contrary. They do
>everything backwards. A male eurmali would wear female clothing or
>wear clothes backwards, have sex with males, ride a horse facing
>backwards, walk backwards, shit in public and eat in the outhouse or
>woods, laugh at sad things and cry at happy things.

Now you've done it! These are things that should not be written down. The Eurmali seeing the above list will try to be purposefully contrary and now wear have sex with female clothes, ride males, eat shit, laugh in the outhouse, cry at horses...

Neil Robinson:
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Waxes enthusiastcially about an exhibit about the Mongols/Quidans.

>was a mention of heavy cavalry with swords and axes, but no

I thought the Mongols did use overarm lances which were not as effective as the european ones. Or are you saying the heavy cavalry did not use these?

>Oh, people mention that the Pentans herd cattle, but the Mongols
>seemed to have more sheep (and use pole lassos) than cattle.

Still do. Mongolia has the second largest number of sheep per head of human population. But then the Mongols are short out of their Saddle and Killer Death Cows tend to be great big beasts unlike the more managable sheep. (Although the Rams can still be quite nasty).

Pam Carlson:
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Also speaks glowingly about the exhibit.

>3) The Quidan people were the direct ancestors of the Mongols (roughly 600
>to 1100 AD).

Formerly known as the Khitians? I can never tell whether a romanized chinese name is Pinyin or old style. Always causes me major headaches.

Steve Lieb:
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>but I think Humakti are frequently law officers for 1 main
>reason - OATH. Sure makes investigations easy.

A one-use spell? I hate to see the tax rates! And besides the oath is used to force people to perform a specified action, _not_ to tell the truth! Lhankor Mhy has better spells for this purpose.

Chris Wehman:
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>1. Do Dara Happans revere Chalana Arroy or another solar healing goddess
>like Erissa?

Chalana Erissa. Chalana appears to means 'White Light' in Dara Happan (although the title may have come from someplace else and become adapted by the Dara Happans to form a comprehensible word ie 'Parthian Shot' turned into 'Parting Shot' in the english language).

I think Chalana Erissa does not have the subcult of Erissa and restore vision is one of her special divine spells. I think they recognize a subcult of Arroin worshipped among the Theyalans from which one can get Cure Chaos Wound. All IMO of course.

>1. She in her present form is a God Learner construct of several healing

Shh! This is only alleged!

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