Egi See, Egi Do...

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 1995 17:04:08 +1300

Curtis Shenton:

Curtis had written:

>>>The way i see it the Emperor "dies" and is reborn during a change over
>>>in the mortal Egi.

I had replied:

>> So how did Harrek amost others manage to effect a change in the mask of the
>> Red Emperor?

which prompted Curtis to ask:

>Which change are you refering to?

One mask is forcibly 'retired' and another takes over. This is coincidental with Harrek the Berserk literally pounding the old mask into a bloody pulp. Somehow I don't see Harrek jumping up on the moon and offing all the mortal Egi.  

>While I think this is an interesting alernative I still prefer the idea
>that the current Red Emperors are a combination of mortal and immortal
>Egi. The most important being the current mortal who acts as the body of
>the Red Emperor.

Ok. That's fine then, we're not too far apart as I'd thought. To argue beyond this would be akin to asking how many Egi can dance on the Red Moon and be an utterly pointless waste of time.

>But for the
>Red Emperor at least it seems pretty clear that this is in fact the way
>things work officially.

Oh, yes without a shadow of doubt. But I happen to LIKE the smell of versimiltude within the Lunar Empire...

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