Godly mindreading and welcome to Mark Smylie

From: Loren Miller <Loren.Miller_at_marketing.wharton.upenn.edu>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 1995 18:14:06 EST

Mark Smylie delurks impressively:
> I've always taken the rules in RQIII (I know, _rules?_, sigh) that
> state that a god doesn't know what their worshippers are thinking,
> only what they tell them in prayer (and witness in their spheres of
> influence)

Where exactly is this in the rules? Not that I disagree. I happen to agree completely, and it's too bad that nobody brought up this point the last time we had a nasty flamewar/dispute about whether the gods can read their worshippers' minds or not.

> as indicating that the authors of RQ/Glorantha were using as their
> source Greek and Roman paganism...or, more accurately I suppose,
> the model proposed by a lot of modern historians of Greco-Roman
> paganism as being based on cult _acts_ as opposed to a (Christian)
> concept of _faith_.

Oh gosh. Not only does the man agree with me here and later (though I'll refrain from including the rest of the message) but he can also write clearly. Welcome aboard, Mark.

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