Celestial portents

From: David Dunham <dunham_at_hamachi.pensee.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 20:10:54 -0700

Here's a couple passages from the History of the Franks, by Gregory of Tours (who was alive during these events).

The year is 571:
"Before the great plague which ravaged Auvergne prodigies terrified the poeple of that region in the same way. On a number of occasions three or four great shining lights appeared round the sun, and these the country folk also called suns. 'Look!' they shouted. 'There are now three or four suns in the sky!' ... Then a star, which some call a comet, appeared over the region for a whole year, with a tail like a sword, and the whole sky seemed to burn and many other portents were seen."

Later in the 570s:
"...a remarkable portent was seen in the middle of the night. A bright star was shining in the very centre of the moon, and other stars appeared close to the moon, above it and below. Round the moon stretched the circle which is usually a sign of rain. I have no idea what all this meant. This same year the moon often appeared in eclipse and there were loud claps of thunder just before Christmas. The meteors which country folk calls suns and which were seen before the plague ... also appeared round the sun. I was told that the sea rose higher than usual, and there were many other signs and wonders."

Sounds like UFOs to me :-) but it also sounds like how the Dara Happans would talk. "Three great shining lights appeared around Yelm, and these the Naverians also called suns."

Sword-tail comets hanging over a particular region sound like they need to be in Glorantha, too. I suspect, however, eclipses don't happen (except for singular events like Sunstop).

David Dunham Pensee Corporation dunham_at_nw.pensee.com Voice/Fax 206 783 7404 http://www.pensee.com/dunham/

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End of Glorantha Digest V2 #69

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