
From: Robert McArthur <mcarthur_at_fit.qut.edu.au>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 13:45:07 +1000 (EST)

Thinking about the ideas on dragonnewt armour (Griffin Mountain was it?) in comparison with the Dragon Pass boardgame: how long does it take for a typical (ha - is there such a thing) d'newt to get reborn? In DP a d'newt that is killed is 'reborn' in its nest and ready for action on the next _day_. I would have thought it would take a bit longer!

Two possibilities: the 'new' newts aren't the reborn old-newts, they are just some other dragonnewts at the same stage from the same city... but how many do they have in one city???? Second possibility is that in times of high strife and war, they can significantly decrease the time needed for rebirth, perhaps at high cost later on. One day is really fast though.

Like Balastor's Axe, is there a nice contradictory group of definitive answers on this from the collected wisdom of the net? Thoughts?

Robert McArthur

End of Glorantha Digest V2 #138

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