
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 17:58:21 -0500

Hello all.

Well. I finished some write-ups, so incoming to the digest should be a "What the War Lord Says" piece, a Gods of the War Machine summary, and a "What My Captain Told Me" piece. They should probably be read together, so I'm hoping that the server doesn't split them into different digests, but that's just the luck of the draw. They're written from the perspective of the KoW as War Machine, though I tried to weed out the more obvious PoMo aspects of such a perspective. They were written with a certain amount of haste and with a lot of caffeine, so I think they're a bit incomplete, particularly the Gods of the War Machine bit as there are a series of fundamental questions that remain unanswered, and they're probably filled with errors and repetitions; I am also afraid that none of it is quite as "beautiful" or as "terrible" as I would have liked. Oh well.

Anyway, as my eyes are getting sore and real life has its demands, I'm just going to purge them onto the digest, as it were, and hope for some reaction.  I'm behind in my digests and email, so I'm not sure what the most recent stuff on this thread has been. Comments, criticisms, corrections, suggestions, additions, and, of course, ridicule are all, of course, welcome (and, in fact, the whole point of this exercise).


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