Living in Glorantha

From: Thomas Lindgren <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 20:32:38 +0100

I am at the moment reading Julian Jaynes' "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", who proposes that language and gods predate consciousness (= high-level reasoning). He argues the pre-conscious mind is similar to mild schizophrenia, hearing voices, seeing hallucinations, in times of stress. This is explained as communication between the two halves of the brain: the "god" is one half, "you" (the verbal part of your mind) are the other.

Whether this is true or not, I cannot say, but it certainly gives you inspiration for how to be a Gloranthan.

Imagine a world where the gods and ancestors speak to you at all times, telling you what to do and what not to do, contradicting each other, shouting, singing, whispering, threatening. They appear when you pray to them, in times of stress. Sometimes as visions, sometimes even physically restraining you from actions they do not want. They may be wiser than you, or urge you to your death for reasons of their own. They speak to you in many voices and come to you in many forms, sometimes those of your friends, loved ones, enemies.

As the King dies, he lives on in his grave -- just stay by his grave, offer him something to eat and drink, and you may hear him advise you on what troubles you. Especially if it wasn't long since he died.

More complex societies have many gods, to take care of all aspects of living. Pray to the god, and he may appear before you and advise you. It's easier in the temple, because the gods actually live there: you can go meet them there any day.

(See also Gene Wolfe's books, Soldier in the Mist and Soldier of Arete.)


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