Glorantha murder mysteries

From: Allan Henderson <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 16:57:47 GMT

Tim said

> every player said "Thanatari!" We were criticised as, in the opinion of
> the people running the adventure, we were using player knowledge not
> character knowledege.

I have to agree with you on this Tim. Characters, particularly Storm Bulls but frequently others as well should see chaos everywhere. I would imagine that witch hunts are almost commonplace. "That old crone summoned a disease spirit and gave me a cold" type of thing. I regularly imply a chaos connection in a murder to simulate the anti chaos paranoia of the characters in the players. The characters have killed several human bandits believing them to be ogres, they have also helped one ogre thinking him a hard done by merchant, plauged by misfortune and murder. The barbarians of Prax will be most likely to see chaos where it isn't, but Pavisites wont be far behind.

This is an obvious red herring for any murder mystery set in Glorantha, make it look like a chaos cult murder, have all the storm bulls hide their embaressment at not being able to detect the chaos by claiming that it *must* have been an iluminate.

You can keep the players running arround for a whole evening making false accusations by gving them 2 and 2 and letting them add them up to whatever they like.


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