Enlo status

From: Peter Metcalfe <P.Metcalfe_at_student.canterbury.ac.nz>
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 20:27:49 +1200

Martin Crim:

>I don't think that trollkin have marriages recognized by dark trolls, but I'm
>not sure whether female enlo have higher status that males. I think so, but
>without a size difference, it ain't automatic. What do others think?

You're assuming that enlo are recognized as Uz! Big mistake IMHO. Only with value trollkin would the uz bother to make such a distinction. Even then the status of the female value is dependant on the quality of her offspring; considering that these offspring are still enlo and not necessarily valued, makes me think that the advantage is not much in Uz eyes.

From the PoV of the enlos: For values, I think they reckon their own status by that of their master or mistress. Value A would reckon that he is above Value B for Value A's mistress, C, can kick the crap out of Value B's master, D. Most other types of enlo have better things to do in life than working out if they have any social status whatsover.

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