C'thulhu visitors

From: Andrew Joelson <joelsona_at_cpdmfg.cig.mot.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 07:24:33 -0500

> Sandy Petersen answers
> "It's a real-life hunting horror of course -- a prime
> characteristic of Cthulhu monsters is that they can travel between
> dimensions. Why not to Glorantha?"

        IMO the heavily structured nature of the Compromise would make it much more difficult to summon C'thulhu, or one of the other heavies. But that is no reason why the little guys couldn't be present in small numbers. I took the stats on some of the smaller critters (like night gaunts), and found that they would work quite reasonably in Dorastor many years ago! Of course, my players had no idea what they where running into, that was the point.

        Don't forget that anybody poking around in Dorastor is much more capable of dealing with C'thulhu critters than the average investigator.   (Sanity check ~= Mind Blast!)


PS Glorantha-Con IV, January 24th-26th 1997, Ramada Hotel O'Hare (Chicago)

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