RE: Glorantha Digest V3 #10

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 16:44:20 +0000

Pam Carlson

>David Boatright:

>>If the Lunar occupation of Sartar had lasted longer then I am sure
>>they would have got around to the atrocities that you site.

>>Hmm. You do have a low opinion of the Lunars! I was using those
>>examples to show how the Lunars must think they are being paragons
>>of kindliness. And the clever ones would use Ian Whitchurch's

Oh so the Nazis where being kind when they mainly kept there genocidal policy to killing ethinc\relegious minorities in Poland.

>> But their [Lunar] attentions in Sartar is to replace the culture
>> and
>>culture is what defines the Orlanthi. I am not sure but in the
>>later stages did the Empire not outight ban the Orlanthi cult.

>>ke they've destroyed Orlanthi culture in Aggar? Dara-ni? Imther?
>>Tarsh? The Carmanian hinterlands?

Aggar is probably the only ones with any where near there original culture. The Lunars need(ed) are more martial aspect to the peasants there much like the Romans and tribes like the Cornovi in Britain. In Imther and Tarsh the subdued the free nature of the peasants and turned them into workers for the converted nobility. Of course they tell the peasants they are still worshipping Orlanth they just have to channel it through Barntar.

> I think the Lunar reason for occupying
>Sartar is to hold the magical land of Dragon Pass, and to gain access
>to the southern seas.

I suppose if the Poles had not been in Poland the Germans would not have had to kill so many of them. I would to check Pam but I hope you are not one of the presenting the reason for Lunar expansion is to spread their so called enlightened religion. They do not need to occupy sea cost to send out missionaries.

Peter Metcalfe

>Well, banning organized worship of Orlanth would only _civilize_ the

A bunch of arseholes running around in togas and sandals do not make a civilsation.

> The Godis are responsible for human sacrifice,
>thanic head-hunting and beastiality (to improve the flock) as
>well many other unsavoury practices. These customs have been
>_documented_ by the many scholars in the Lunar Heartlands so to
>doubt that they have occured is _inconcievable_! By stamping out
>Orlanth worship, we can rescue the wretched sartarite from the life
>of abject misery.

You present here a lunar justifaction for occupation, yet Out of Game (Yes I said GAME for all you anal retentive scholars out there) you deride anyone for presenting a similar reasoning for the Orlanthi.  Thats the sort of thing I expect from a two faced moonie.

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