Runic Identities; Power Runes

From: Guy Hoyle <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 00:26:58 -0400

I know that someone once posted a list of which senses were associated with which elements, but I've lost my copy of it. I know that sight is associated with fire/sky, and air with hearing, but I don't know the others.

Also, is there a reason that the Power runes are listed in this order: harmony/disorder, fertility/death, stasis/movement, truth/illusion? Is this the order they came into being? I know they are associated with the weeks of a season; is there some mythological background for this?

| Guy G. Hoyle ( |

| "Science does NOT remove the terror of the GODS!" |
(J.R. "Bob" Dobbs)                                  |


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