Pointless debate about meaningless numbers

From: Carl Fink <carlf_at_panix.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 19:26:02 -0400

> * I was given a 19 because my score on the GRE (given to
>graduate applicants) was in the 98th percentile of college graduates,
>and 'twas figured that I must be in a category rarer than just 1/216
>of the population. Also I was high-scoring on IQ tests (always did
>good on tests).

Hah! I scored in the 99th percentile! I must have *at least* a 19 INT. Now all I need is a GM who accepts Sandy's authority on this stuff, and bases characters on the player's stats.

Speaking of which, are there any Glorantha based games on Long Island? I haven't actually played an RPG in months. - --

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"All generalizations are dangerous, even this one"
        Alexandre Dumas fils


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