
From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 96 19:13 MET DST

Mike Cule asked whether Glamour was at the site where Sedenya fell.

While it might be appropriate to say "what fell down has risen again", taking the site the wrack of an earlier body might be a bad omen as well. Anyway, I have heard this rumour about why Glamour was chosen as the site of Rufelza's ascension:

Look at the Godtime maps of central Peloria in GRAoY. See Raibanth always depicted a bit to the left and down from Yuthubars, the City of Gods.

Apparently the Goddess (or some of her advisors) knew this map and concluded that the site of Glamour must have been the site of Yuthubars, so in order to even further establish her divinity, the Goddess chose to rise from there.

Current theory says that the map showing the ten cities of Murharzarm's Dara Happa has a strong third dimension component, placing both Sentoros and Yuthubars above the land (by shifting them left and up) and Akuturos below. Now the site of Akuturos nicely coincides with the crater of Turos'/DiDediDaran's/...'s former mountain below Lake Oronin, so the City Above in the far east (of Peloria, that is) might have some mundane counterpart nonetheless. Maybe the Goddess even did read it the right way.

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