Re: Hunting Otters

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 21:20:57 -0500

Ian Gorlick
>An otter is an amphibious weasel. Weasels, like most carnivores, are
>foul tasting. Most aquatic predators have a strong fishy taste. So
>the otter probably tastes foul and fishy. I can't imagine eating

        Feeling persnickity, thought I'd comment on this.

  1. Otters are, of course, not weasels at all, though they belong to the same family. They're more like a sable (NOT the antelope -- the carnivore) or a mink.
  2. I have no idea if a weasel is foul-tasting or not. I know nobody who has eaten one, nor have I read an account of same. BUT ... it is certain that carnivores are frequently NOT foul-tasting. Examples include bear, shark, dog, alligator, octopus, giant water bug, whale, etc. Bat meat is reputedly musty, but edible.

        I rather suspect that the reputedly vile flavor of mustelids is a product of their musk glands as much as anything else. The only two mustelids I've heard condemned for their flavor are mink and wolverine, both of which have heaps o' musk. On the other hand, skunk was supposedly popular among some Indian tribes.

Sandy P.

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