Important Cults

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 1996 11:01:49 +1200

K. Suderman:

>And as long as we're at it, could someone take a guess at what proportion of
>the population belongs to each cult?

Well I can only list the major gods in each area (important gods in localized areas like Shargash in Alkoth are ignored):

East Isles: Theya, Hobimarong, Lumavoxoran, Invisible God, Rakut, Tsankth.

Errinoru Jungle: Aldrya.

Fonrit: Ompalam, Artmal, Jraktal.

Fronela: Invisible God, Orlanth, Rathor, Uncol, War.

Jrustela: Aurelion, Invisible God.

Kralorela: Godunya, Den Xi, Basko, Emperor Cults.

Maniria: Orlanth, Ernalda, Lodril, Argan Argar, Invisible God.

Pamaltelean Plains: Pamalt, Aleshmara.

Peloria: Lodril, Oria, Yelm, Red Goddess.

Pent: Kargzant, Eiritha, Hippoi, West King Wind.

Ralios: Invisible God, Arkat, Orlanth, Rala, Telmor.

Seshnela: Invisible God.

Slon: Mostal, Jaskal.

Teshnos: Solf, Somash, Furalor, Calyz and Zitro Argon.

Umathela: Aldrya, Invisible God, Worlath.

Vormain: Valzain, Telask, Tsankth.

Wastelands: Waha, Eiritha.

Comments welcome.

>I suspect that Uroxi and Humakti are somewhat overrepresented among
>my PC's...

That's because most Orlanthi make a living by farming and thus do not worship specialised war cults like Urox and Humakt.

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