Esrolia list; G:tG mechanics; Ostrich tribe

From: Martin Crim <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 13:13:50 -0400 (EDT)

I too got some munged messages about Esrolia. Anyone know what's going on?

David Cake writes:
> I definately do think that adapting Pendragon mechanics directly
>would be a Bad Thing. Working poorly at high power levels is a persistent
>complaint against RQ, and Pendragon has the problem far worse. ...
>we want a game system
>that will handle heroes, 15 meter giants, and the Crimson Bat at least as
>well as RQ does. ...

Too true. The game mechanic which best deals with this, IMHO, is the Ghostbusters/Star Wars mechanic, which involves variable number of dice (reflecting skill) versus a sliding scale of Difficulty. I have run a swashbuckler game using these mechanics, and it was very well received. Magic was a bit of a muddle, though, when I tried to write a complete set of rules to run a Gloranthan campaign with. David Hall, you can have this first draft if you want.

re: Ostrich tribe
These were described in detail in Heroes vol. II no. 1. On a word per person basis, the Ostrich tribe is the most-described group in Prax, perhaps in all the world. Mike Dawson wrote the article, but AH holds the copyright. In brief, they have a Sun Khan over the whole clan, and three lesser Khans who rule divisions of the clan: Light, Spirit, and Ostrich. The clan is patriarchal, worships Yelmalio, Waha, and Eiritha, and numbers about 1000 ("or roughly 10% of one of the five Animal Nations' population"). They fight as skirmishers using "bent sticks" (boomerangs).

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