Re: The Lion Sleeps Tonight (fwd)

From: Majordomo <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 11:35:41 -0400 (EDT)

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>From Thu Sep 5 22:41:38 1996
Message-Id: <> Comments: Authenticated sender is <> From: "Martin King" <> Organization: ERD
To: Date: Fri, 6 Sep 1996 10:52:38 +0800
Subject: Re: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
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> From: "Carlson, Pam" <>

> >On the other hand, most wild canines (wolves, foxes, jackals, wild dogs,
> coyotes) are not regarded as food animals. Maybe the diet of domestic
> dogs makes
> them taste better.

Most large carnivores aren't food animals. Their flesh tates bad or at least not as good as herbivores, which is why they the herbivores are eaten.
I think it's because of a concentration of toxins as you go up the food chain.
Hey that sounds like a good basis for some Gloranthan myth about who gets eaten and why.

Off the top of my head :

 In the Good time everything was sweet
Wolves and foxes tasted as good as Cattle and Deer. The world changed chaos came, the magic changed, Death came, there was no longer plenty for all.
Some animals were killed and are no longer seen today. Eventually the surviving animals
made a pact some would die but live again. And some would enjoy short powerful lives as predators. Both thought they got the best bargain.
The Lion is king of all he surveys for as long as he lives The Deer will live to see many Lions.

Fish are an obvious exception but in Gloratha I'm sure there's a reason


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