Re: Time, Cause and Effect

From: Philip Hibbs <101621.1264_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 02 Nov 96 07:39:45 EST

Saravan Peacock:
>IMO Orlanthi certainly do have a strong sense of cause and effect in the
>God Time. They just don't think much about it before they do something.

Before Time, there was no cause and effect, but there was Power and effect. In order to truly achieve something, a Power had to be invoked, such as Death being used on Yelm. After Time, things got a whole lot less predictable, and stupid, seemingly unrelated things would start happening. "He fell over and stopped moving, m'lud. All I did was cut his throat!"


| Phil Hibbs | What immortal hand or eye dare frame thy fearful symmetry? |


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