Imperial Parables.

From: Simon Bray <101635.32_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 16 Dec 96 16:28:46 EST

Hi All,
 A few strange parables. They are all based on parables from arounf the world but with my own gloranthan twists. I hope you like them.

HUMAKT'S LUCK  A Fazzik of Storal was walking amongst the gardens of his Kassir, when his most loyal Hazar raced up to him with a most harrowed expression:  "Save me, I have seen Humakt this morning and he gave me a most threatening look. I wish that tonight I was away from this place and within the walls of Harandash."
 The Fazzik thus lent him his swiftest horse.  That afternoon as the Fazzik walked through the rose gardens he to met Humakt.
"Why did you give my favourite Hazar a threatening look?"
 "I gave the man no threatening look, it was an expression of surprise, for when I take his soul tonight i knew it would be in Harandash. So far away."

THE EYES OF GUILT.  A rich man of Alkoth wanted companionship and so he bought a girl for ten thousand silver pieces.
 Looking at her one day he burst into tears. She asked him why he cried. He replied, your eyes are too beautiful, they make me forget my gods when I look at them." Later when she was alone the girl plucked out her eyes. "You have disfigured yourself girl! You have defiled your worth and my money is now wasted!" bellowed the rich man.
 That night the man dreamed of the goddesses in all their forms and he heard them say, "The girl devalued herself in your eyes, but increased her worth to us a thousand fold. She is now ours and you shall never be." When the man awoke the girl was dead and beneath his pillow lay ten thousand silver pieces.

THE MAN WHO COULD NOT SEE MIRACLES.  A son sat in mourning beside the body of his dead father. Suddenly the body sat up and began to convulse.
"Father!" cried the man, "Be still and do not shatter my faith and prove
miracles exist." With that the body fell back to the slab and was consumed by Shargash's flames.  

 Simon Bray.

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