Re: rulesy spells - Spellsy Rules?

From: Michael O'Brien <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 12:16:00

G'day all,

Rulesy Spells - Spellsy Rules?

Saravan Peacock writes:
> My problem with battle magic spells is: how are the offensive ones
> aimed?
> Presumably it's a point and shoot type thing, but how do you ensure your
> disruption hits the broo fifty metres away rather than the Storm Bull
> maniac who is freziedly trying to chop it to bits? It seems there should be
> some sort of Aim skill too. But that repels me enormously so I just
> blissfully close open my eyes wide and say, "well of _course_ it hits the
> broo...". Any plausible suggestions on the nature of spells which would
> explain this remarkable (and probably universal) phenomenon?

As Saravan will no doubt recall from RQ Con Down Under, the way we aim magic spells in Live Action Trollball is not unlike that described above. In this, er...'highly realistic' simulation, spells are written on scraps of paper. When you want to cast a spell, you yell out the name of the spell, screw up the paper into a little ball and throw it at the target. If it hits, the spell works. If it misses, the spell fails. If you're off target - perhaps distracted by that Storm Bull maniac foaming at the mouth on your right - and it hits the wrong person, they cop the spell instead! Yes, to cast a spell on yourself, you have to throw the paper at yourself (it's highly embarrassing when you miss!)

Those delightfully insane Germans have added an extra innovation which I witnessed at Convulsion, where every time is spell is cast, they seem to want to douse the target in copious quanitities of flour. When this combines with the water bombs cheerfully being lobbed about, you get a strikingly realistic version of the Glue spell (I'll be bringing me waterproof mack to German RQCon!)

High Noon - another correction!

I said (while crapping on about the law and stuff):

>In actual fact, the scenario, 'Akritas's Heir' [in the forthcoming Tales #16
>Lunar special] is based on another, much more obscure piece of
>Dara Happan law which you'll have to wait for the issue to find out about!

Oops, sorry, that should read "...based on another, much more obscure piece of *Carmanian* law..."


>From the Notes From Nochet files:
"Sir Ethelrist , a self-made man who worships his own creator...

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