Camels, Kallyr, Minaryth, Orlaront

From: Stephen P Martin <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 23:23:49 EST

"Jane Williams" <> Christmas, Camels, Companions
>So where on Glorantha would I find a camel?

Anyways, I can do a bit of answering of your question. Some ancient bits and pieces mention Camel Riders on the Shadow Plateau, of all places! My impression was that they are one of a number of ghosts which can sometimes be found wandering the semi-desolation that used to house OOO's palace.

I would also imagine that there used to be a Lesser Tribe of Prax which rode camels, if only in myth and legend.

Of all the places known, Fonrit seems most likely for them. But, since the myth mentioned is presumably a Theyalan one, one would think camels are (or were) known in Genertela as well.
>Kallyr's Companions. Does anyone have any idea to which period in her
life it >belongs? It can't be for her Stationary LBQ, because it isn't an

>LBQ ring, or anything like one.

Actually, it could be, since her short LB Quest is not exactly the standard LB Quest we have read about for so long. It is set up as a camp, and perhaps represents an earlier form of the ritual, just as the story of Umath's Camp tells about an earlier time in the Storm Age?

>And does anyone recogmise any of those clan names? I can deduce a
>little about some of them: if it mentions an oak tree, it must be
>based somewhere where oak trees grow, that sort of thing, but that
>doesn't tell me a lot.

Only a little. Jerending reminds me of one of the Colymar clans, Jenstali. But there is probably no relation, especially when dealing with Orlaront.

Only one note -- whenever a totem is given as a clan name, it is not necessarily the clan "name". For example, KoS lists all of the current, past, and even legendary Colymar clans. Yet, one very famous Colymar heroine, Londra of Londros, is from the "Bayberry Clan" of the Colymar Tribe. I pointed this out to Greg when he was working on King of Sartar, so it is not just an oversight. Basically, clans have names, can be known by the name of the clan founder, _and_ can be known by their totem, if they have one (not all do). Thus, one of the Colymar clans in KoS is also the Bayberry Clan, though I don't know which one.

So, many of the people in Kallyr's list of Companions, to get back on topic, might be from clans we have heard of. Or, they might be new. I would assume at leasta few would be from the Kheldon, on which no info is available, but others could be from the Colymar or other clans. Both the Lysan and Namoldin clans of the Colymar are "tree clans", which I take to mean that a tree is their totem. One of these could be oak or blue spruce, I suppose.

Finally, I note that a number of them are women, more than I would consider normal in Sartar, unless Kallyr were involved. Ernaldesta and Randella certainly are women, and I think that Insterid and Oranda are as well. At least a couple of them are probably Vingans, though we have no clue to tell us which.

"Jane Williams" <> Minaryth Purple
>Any hazard as guess as to why "Purple"? My vague ideas have him,
>in hsi younger adventuring days, spending all his share of the loot
>on expensive clothes when the rest were buying armour and spells.
>(Purple is an expensive dye).

I think I sort of assumed the same thing. A more amusing suggestion is to have him have a penchant for purple ink?

>But where does that leave our
>diary-keeping friend from KoS, Minaryth Blue?

I get the impression from his write-up that he was thrust into great affairs. Maybe he took the epithet to distinguish himself from Purple?

Despite my comments in the previous Digest, I actually still believe that he is Minaryth Purple in disguise. Purple - Red = Blue. In other words, after the failure of the Temple of the Reaching Moon attempt near Wind Top, he was resurrected. He took a somewhat different name, and invented a past for himself, to make it easier to keep away from the Lunars. I doubt anything could convince me otherwise.

Peter Metcalfe <> Kargzant and Olaront
>>Speaking of the Dragon Raising Dance, does anyone have any info about
>>who this Olaront Dragonfriend gut is? Very little is said about him
>>in KoS; is there anything about him in any other published sources?
>No. Stephen has said that he might be Forang Farosh. However he
>nevers leaves Tink so I find this implausible.

Who is to say that he doesn't leave Tink during the Hero Wars? And, this statement itself contradicts known facts, as he was seen in a cave in Snakepipe Hollow one Sacred Time by Betti Leika Ballista and her friends. So, he just won't leave Tink to go around with adventurers. Er, except Argrath?

>My guess is that Olaront is the person whose body Forang stole.

This was also my solution to the name problem.

>In the spirit cage
>(designed by the EWF), he is exposed to and transformed by the
>draconic energies that contain him. Eventually he breaks free
>(perhaps with ouside assistance) and possesses the body of a herd

With the exception of the herd man angle, this is a better explanation than I cam up with. But, I still say Forang Farosh himself is the dragon expert. Perhaps Forang Farosh was the name of the adventurer (it does have a Player Character sound to it), and Orlaront the name of the EWF draconary? When he escaped and possessed FF's body, he took the name for a while to make it easier to move in Sartarite society, and to avoid having an angry clan coming to kill him in revenge for their kin's "death". Eventually, he began using his own name again, when he became prominent.

If this is not acceptable, I may eventually give in. But, I do wonder where Orlaront then came from -- when and how he escaped. I would have to say that it was Kallyr who freed him. Perhaps she is the one who originally found Ormfang, which later is said to be Argrath's? It seems an appropriate placer to bind an EWF spirit. Alternately, after FF and/or Orlaront are released, they eventually lead Argrath to the sword. That seems more plausible to me, anyways.

Wait, I just realized what Peter is getting at. Are you saying that the cage from Snake-Pipe hollow is the cage that Forang Farosh was trapped in? Are you trying to say that Forang was the mouse? For those who are mystefied, see pg. 30 of the AH version of SPH.

Funny how so many things seem to come back to Snake-Pipe Hollow, Apple Lane, or Trollpak. For example, the "fire-witch" of pg. 161 is certainly Cragspider, since she is being driven out of Black Dragon Mountain. I once postulated that the Earth Twins unit of the Sartar forces in Dragon Pass (not The Twins of the Tarsh Exiles, the Earth Twins) were the godling Baroshi and his (healed) sister from Snake-Pipe Hollow, along with their worshipers.

I guess you gotta go with what you know.

Stephen Martin

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