Glorantha-Con IV report

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 22:54:19 -0800

Just a quick post to let people know that while the storm gods did indeed bless Chicago with a little snow, the convention, despite the tragic absence of Greg Stafford, went very well. Sandy Petersen did a wonderful job substituting for Greg, and Nick Brooke got to ramble lucidly for far longer than usual. I got to create blood sacrifice to the killing tide in David Millian's mythic game, played some very interesting board games (Rob Heinsoo's Dragon Pass variant using area movement and non-collectible cards, and Charles Morehouse's Masters of Luck & Death, where you attempt heroquests to earn the right to become the Pharaoh's next body), survived Goldschlager, and tried to make a fool of myself in public on two seminars. BTW, I hereby publicly state that I was remiss not to mention the version of the Grazers done by Martin Hawley, Danny Bourne, and friends. Next seminar I give I suppose I should bring notes and sleep before hand.

And I hereby stake my claim at one end of the Seattle Farmers Collective spectrum. If the Wendarian scenario (which I ran at the con) were expanded into a campaign (which I have notes for), it would pretty much be the earliest possible Farmer Campaign. It takes place in the Neolithic era, shortly after the invention of farming. And my notes mention how farming productivity would be rising soon after the events featuring our brave boys from Meglardinth, thanks to the introduction of the Naveria cult which followed the events they witnessed.

And I even proved it's possible to wake up 45 minutes before your plane leaves the gate and still make the flight. I'm not really sure I should thank the hotel for the extra hour of sleep their tardy wakeup call gave me, tho...

Anyway, it was lots of fun seeing those of you who were there. And the rest of you I hope to see in Victoria

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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