Humakti Special

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 06:22:13 -0500

Rich/Hasni asks:

> What is the magazine that had the "Humakti Special?" As I understand
> it, that is WAY out of print. Who holds the copyright, and have they
> considered doing a small second run of any of the past issues?

That would be issue #5 of "Tales of the Reaching Moon", which came out in Spring 1991. Several copies were for sale last weekend at the Chicago RQ-Con, as part of an omnibus-edition reprint (#1-5 and #6-10 as single volumes of spine-bound photocopies). These sold out fast, and we are likely to try it again at future conventions. That said, these volumes will *not* be available by mail order (from us or from anyone else), unless and until you hear otherwise from your local Megacorp Rep.

The copyright in every Tales article is held by the original authors and artists, and material may only be reproduced with their permission: it says so at the start of every issue, and is in no way unusual practice.

The Reaching Moon Megacorp did, in fact, do a second print run of Tales #5 some years ago, but I believe that is sold out. IIRC, this reprint was one of our slowest-moving publications (for quite understandable reasons: many of our potential buyers already had copies, slowing down sales). OTOH, if you contact your local rep (David Gadbois in the U.S.A.), he *may* be able to help out somehow.

While we'd like to keep everything in print all of the time, we lack the Avalon Hill Games Company's vast reserves of subcutaneous (and indeed cranial) fat: if we invest our personal savings in a reprint, it slows down our next product until we get some return on our investment (like getting back all the money we put into it). As "Tales" runs at around break-even (i.e. the cover price is about equal to production cost), a small reprint run becomes more expensive (thus harder to sell)... and so it goes.

End of Glorantha Digest V4 #137

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