What is this digest for?

From: James Turner <lib155_at_abdn.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:01:14 +0000 (GMT)

Aww come on, somebody please answer my armour question! I know it might not be as interesting as the Yelm or YT/Humakt debates but I would appreciate an answer, just one would do.

About this digest:-
I thought that this was a forum for anyone to ask questions about Glorantha not just for people who have been playing in or writing about it for years. The first impressions I had when I started receiving this digest where "I thought I knew about Glorantha until now. How can I ask any questions here when all the threads are on a totally different level?" i.e one you arrive at after studying every page of KoS, FS etc. Not that I don't like these discussions, just that they can put new comers like me off (for years I have had only a few RQ2 items and I'm only now reading up the RQ3 material). Perhaps there should be a new list for Glorantha novices, though I guess not many new people are comming into the game. If G:tG ever comes out hopefully this will change and there will be a flood of 'ignorant' questions like, do ducks lay eggs? Do elves bleed sap, photosynthesise, need to breathe? Can you sail off the lozenge? Do Jack'o bears really have pumpkin heads? etc.


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