Archives Now Available

From: Shannon Appel <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 18:43:45 -0800

The archives of V #4 of the Glorantha Mailing List are now available at:


They're up-to-date through #146, which just went out.

The whole runequest directory is there now too, after some recent problems. People even should be able to log in too, so feel free to look around if you haven't because it's been such a poor resource for the last year(!).

The rest of my mailing list archives have a big gap in them, from somewhere in Henk's list to V #4. I trust you can find all of those on Loren's site right now, and when things get moved to, I'm going to do what I can to consolidate everything.

Unfortunately, I can't easily automate a transfer of files to ftp.csua since my machine is on a UUCP link, but I'll try and remember to occasionally update the files there. In the meantime, feel free to drop me a line if you *EVER* find you want to get an old issue of the digest and it's not on the archive yet.

This should just be interim for a very short time more.


End of Glorantha Digest V4 #147

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