Argrath Zoomed Out of the Building...

Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 02:12:44 -0500 (EST)

re King of Sartar, Will Johnson just said: The three copies that were left are all gone. The woman that owns the Game Preserve here in Fresno was rather surprised to find that her customer base extends to Los Angeles, Boston, England, and Australia! I'm glad to have been a help. I hadn't realized that Wizard's Attic still had copies. I wouldn't have tried to steal away any of their business!

Much to my surprise, we just sold out of our copies as well. So Wizard's Attic no longer has copies, and this brief flowering of availability has withered away.

I'm tracking down a rumor that that huge store run by Gerry Corrick in Minneapolis still has 8 copies of King of Sartar lying around. If it pans out, I'll post the news.

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