Where'd everyone go?

From: Michael O'Brien <michael.obrien_at_actf.com.au>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 10:15:00

G'day all,

Where'd everyone go?

Jon S Green:
>Subject: Where'd everyone go?
>Last Digest I received was #4.186, from a couple of days ago. What's

I didn't get Digests #4.185, 186 or 187, at both the accounts I have subscribed with, making yesterday a rare Digest-free day (what do I read with my morning caffeine?)

Could someone please send me the missing issues?

The Myth of Caste Immobility

Jose Ramos writes:

>Here is a small reflection that I have written for players in my
>campaign. It has not been revised, so flame at will.

Excellent - no flaming required!

This ties in well with the stuff in Tales #13. The scenario I wrote for this issue has a couple of characters of doubtful caste status, including the illegitimate son of a lord and a "knight" of questionable background. In Rokari society, you are what enough people believe you are, or are prepared to acknowledge you are in public. This is of course a lot easier in places where people don't know you, or in places where they need you and so will overlook any irregularities in your background, (eg. in Nochet, where Western "knights" are rare).



>From the Notes from Nochet files:
(XXIX.mmbw/H20) Pity the poor young scribe, who endures harsh masters, bad tallow, raw onions and cold baths while a better world is glimpsed through the scriptorium wind eye. AP.

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