enchantments & tattoos

From: fantome_at_ozemail.com.au
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 22:58:53 +1000

Jane Williams questioned

>> Now, does this sound like an idea for Glorantha? I don't think we have
>>arthritis and so on (do we?) but healing enchantments: maybe? I'm not
>>quite sure how it would fit into the existing Roolz, but it sounds as if
>>it should. <<

IMO, just a minor variation on other body enchantments such as strength, hit points etc.

Philip Hibbs
>> Has anybody got any thoughts on how much space an enchantment takes up? <<

Purpose and reason for enchantement as well as enchantment strength should determine the shape, design and size. Frex, a healing tattoo may be smallish but very intricate. A tattoo for strength may cover the entire biceps/chest.

fantome_at_ozemail.com.au <SPACE RESERVED FOR RENT>

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