Re: Glorantha Digest V4 #224

From: Frederic J-M Moulin <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 22:40:35 -0500

>re: Martin Laurie on "Objective history Bollocks"

>>all this whining is unnecessary....
>>If you don't like the way it is, play a different game world
As a matter of fact, even when I play in Glorantha, I only use what I like. And wether it was written by Greg himself, Sandy or anybody else, if I don't like it, it goes strait to the paper basket... as for example most of Sandy's ridiculous NPC in Dorastor.
So really, what's the problem ? You don't like the monomyth: toss it... But then, of course, this is only a gamer's point of view. Frederic

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