
From: Jane Williams <janewill_at_mail.nildram.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 22:29:40 +0000

A while back, Jeff Richard mentioned the Orendanae as a group of sacred women warriors. I've been trying to find out about them since, but have only found one mention in KoS: at the time of the first FHQ (and Sartar): "This was a great time for the Earth Tribe.... in Sartar the Orendanae sat upon the tribal rings of the three main tribes". Jeff seems to have them as mainly but not exclusively Babeester Gor initates, who don't seem like the sort of people you'd have on a tribal ring by choice. Anyone want to tell me more about them?

BTW, those three main tribes. Which were they? The Colymar get most write-ups, but which are the "main" ones? One quote that may or may not be relevant: "Ernaldinni Wolfkiller, who was on the Kheldon Ring when Sartar came to the land": that name sounds like she's heavily earth-related, and "wolf-killer" implies a warrior.

Jane Williams                        jane_at_williams.nildram.co.uk

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