Humakt the loner

From: Kevin Rose <>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 20:11:30 -0600 (CST)

David Dunham said:

>It's out of print, but what the hell... from the early History of the
>Lunar Empire: "At last Humakt fought Yanafal, but they fought each other
>to a standstill, even though Yanafal was aided by einherjar and Humakt
>was not."

>I always interpreted this to mean that Humakt too has an einherjar, but
>for some reason the Carmanians couldn't/didn't summon it.

Huamkt's einherjar was present, but it was busy chasing the young elementals off the battlefield.

Someone once said they thought Greg had finished the "History of the Lunar Empire" series, but that it never got printed. I think it was only printed through the 5th wane. Anyone know for certain if Greg actually did more work on it that was published?


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