
From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 23:09:29 +0200

Michael Cule:

> > Since Sacred Time is of varying length in different
> > parts of the world that isn't a big problem.
> Is this my month for being told Things I Never Knew About Glorantha?
> Where does this come from?

Peter Metcalfe:

>The Doraddi have a Holy Week of only six days that is mentioned in
>Book V of the RQ3 rules. The Kralori also have a variant calender
>(given in the first book of the Genertela set) but the details of
>that slip my mind.

Six seven-week "months" (quotes because I can't figure which moon is referred to). The last "month" is the Kralorelan sacred time.

Michael Cule again:
>What it looked like to me when I read that first post about varying length of
>Sacred Time was that the seasons went round (Sea, Fire, Earth, Darkness, Storm)
>and then when the break of Sacred Time came, it was a different subjective time
>in different parts of the world.

Now that's a pretty cool idea...

>I'm glad there is a more mundane explanation involving calendars. I really am...

Then again, the Kralorelan calendar is said to reflect God Time seasons and as such is probably less than practical.

The East Isles calendar has seven six-week "months" (ie rather similar to the Kralorelan one). However, the "months" and weeks are less esoteric than the Kralorelan ones, closely tied to East Isles mythology. The mythical event of a certain week actually affects magic, so that certain kinds of magic may be easier or harder.

Then of course, the farther east you go, the closer to the Dream World you are, meaning that the calendar and the flow of time become increasingly uncertain.

Nils Weinander | Everything is dust in the wind |

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