Compasses, slaves

From: Philip Hibbs <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 18:24:14 -0400

OK, one more word on compasses, and that's it. I propmise.

All credit to Owen Jones for being prepared to take a fall over his contention of my three-compass theory, but:

You in fact only need two, so long as you can triangulate the distance to one of the compass points! This requires you to be close enough to move a measureable angle relative to one of the points within a reasonable time, though.

Apologies for using the obscure (but worthy) PNG format for my diagram - it's a PCX now.


>the children of Orlanthi slaves are adopted into the clan with
>full rights.

I like this idea, I don't know if it's in any way official, but must be true at least in some Orlanthi areas. It feels right.

+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Tamworth, UK

| Phil Hibbs | What immortal hand or eye dare frame thy fearful geometry? |


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