Whoz afraid of Smart Arrows? Not Uz!

From: James Frusetta <gerakkag_at_wam.umd.edu>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 08:06:36 -0400 (EDT)

Drat. Paul Chapman's mythic explanation for Smart Arrows is good, suggesting the cursed things will be flying around. :(

But wait! I had forgotten the obvious and simple defense. Trollkin chaff.

If you're Joe Death Lord and some elf gets a lock-on, grab a trollkin and toss it in that general direction. With any luck, the smart missile isn't smart enough to distinguish between two troll signatures and hits the closer trollkin instead of you. If you're _really_ worried, throw two trollkin.

Arthur Reyes points out the problem with giving the elves incredibly rare plant weapons (perhaps inadvertantly): Accelerate Growth. As noted, the Elves can apparently crank these things out, much to the detriment of trolls. So to keep the current balance of power, you have to give the trolls something, and next Tuesday Glorantha has become WH40K. ;) Or restrict the Elfy item, I suppose.

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