Exotic Foods

From: Michael O'Brien <mrmob_at_ozemail.com.au>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 23:39:13 +1000

G'day all,

Exotic Foods

Mike Cule asked:
>What are some of the exotic things eaten by humans?
>What do these dishes look, smell, feel, and taste like?

You'll get some good ideas from an article we published in Tales #6, "Top Seven Favorite Gloranthan Foods". And below is one that ended up in Notes from Nochet in a later issue:



>From the Notes from Nochet files:

[XXIX.13.35] Herd-man can be served in a variety of ways, most of which can be found on Anchoritenus's list of morally objectionable foods*. Yet it is considered highly indecorous if the presentation of the dish gives the eater even the slightest suspicion he is eating eating herd-human. Even when the cook's intention is not to deceive, and the guests are fully aware herd-man meat is on the menu, in civilized company no one will refer to the dish without a euphemism. In Pavis, the butchers peddle it as "mock pork", in the Holy Country it is known as "forcemeat".

With a candour which is often revolting, Malhawi Habatat describes a feast of almost obscene novelty in which forcemeat was served, at the court of the great Demivierge of Rhigos.

"The naked brutes were paraded before us, glazen-eyed and stupid, yet our lady had personally selected them for their classical proportions and they had of course been well-oiled and depilated of all body hair. Following the lead of our mistress, each guest selected a herd-human of their choice, which was brought to their couch and made to go through a series of poses. That certain guests used the beasts for sexual purposes before they went to the pot I will for our lady's honour not answer. Later that evening, each guest was served a dish of "forcemeat" cooked to their whim, and although hands, feet and, inevitably, genitals graced the plates as garnishments, everyone of course pretended not to notice.

"Old Glaucon (the head cook) always complained that our mistress liked her herd-men far too lean for the best eating, but it was she who had them imported from Prax at tremendous expense. He later found himself trussed up and sold to the morokanth, after our lady discovered that he had been substituting human actors in the posing, and putting his plumper herd-men in the pot. She always did enjoy making the punishment fit the crime."

*See "Seven Favorite Foods", TALES OF THE REACHING MOON #6 - soon to be reprinted in Best of Tales #1-#6.

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