Pavis minutiae, Resurrection

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 97 22:09 MET DST

Michael Lay asked:

>1) The street map shows a magic shop, presumably run by a mage of
>some sort. Has anybody any comments on what such a shop would sell
>(and for how much)? My feeling would be that it would be mostly
>temporary charms (a pendant with several months duration perhaps),
>contract magic ("Make me the following item") and consulting ("We
>found this... what is it?").

All of these, plus genuine good luck talismans offering "Real Good Protection" (a Griselda story by Oliver Dickinson which was published in the Peoples of Pavis booklet, and hopefully soon in a generally available magazine like Tales) and trinkets of dubious magical nature from the Rubble. After all, there are all kinds of weird artifacts to be found in the Rubble...

The cost of items for sale should be too high, in any case, and the shop might serve better to exchange exotic but useless artifacts for useful but too expensive magical services, like Healing.

Contribution for the Resurrection "spell":

Every Resurrection is an abbreviated version of the Lightbringers' Quest, limited to one day of ritual for practical reasons (like the corpse continuing to decay during the ritual). The contribution to the ritual might well be a participation as one of the questers, and might result in having a participant beaten up at some point, expenditure of magic, etc.

While this covered in the RQ rules fro Resurrection, IMO the performance of the "supporting cast" should contribute to the degree of success of the ritual, i.e. the better the party gets into the thing, the better the chances to convince the spirit of the deceased to return to its body (the spirit combat bit...), or the less drastic the losses due to decay.

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